Christian Fellowship
We continue this week in our scripture lessons and sermon looking at “means of grace” which are the Christian acts, disciplines (or “habits”) that encourage spiritual growth and maturity. After briefly recounting the previous topics of “discipleship,” “searching the Bible,” and “the power of prayer,” we will look this week at the importance of authentic “Christian fellowship.” In the church today we throw around the word “fellowship” quite often, but seldom to we strive for true “fellowship” with our brothers and sisters in Christ. The Greek word that often gets translated as “fellowship” in the Bible actually means “an association involving close mutual relations and involvement.” When the Bible talks about “fellowship” it describes how the Church (the people of God) “share” in life together. And authentic Christian fellowship is a “means of grace” for the exact reason that we experience the love and grace of God profoundly in our relationships with those that love us in Christ.